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Showing posts from July, 2014

Custom Log4J Appenders

  1.     Definitions 1.         com.habanoz.logging. CombinedDailyAndRollingFileAppender This appender combines functions of log4j DailyRollingFileAppender and RollingFileAppender. Files are rotated according to max file parameter. If rolling date reaches, all indexed files are renamed to have date pattern. Rolling Algorithm can be depicted as follows: file.log                                                                                    (name of log file.corresponds to File param.) if(maxFileSize)  {                                                             (corresponds to MaxFileSize param.)  file.log -> file.log.1  file.log.1 -> file.log.2  ..   file.log.max-1 -> file.log.max       (max determined by MaxBackupIndex param) } if(date passed) {                                   (determined by DatePattern param.)   file.log ->   file.log.1 ->   file.log.2 ->   ..   file.lo

Convert Tabular Data to Matrix Form Data

  1.     Introduction Select   count (*),  category ,  subcategory  from   table   where  somecontions = true   group   by  category ,  subcategory Suppose you extracted data from database which contains data according to a category and a shared subcategory. You need to display this data with an excel chart. Unfortunately it is not easy to build a chart using structure of data. It is required to reorganize this data to easily build a chart out of this data. 2.     Problem Definition Category is hour. Sub-category is status. This table contains hourly status values of some variable. To use this data in excel to create a chart, data needs to be re-organized. New table should have a matrix like layout. Row of the matrix should contain category values while Column of the matrix needs to contain sub-category values. Resulted table should look like picture below. 3- Solution Implementation A simple java application is developped to help us do requir