Warning! This article is not up-to-date anymore and might be inaccurate. Please refer to following post. http://huseyinabanozeng.blogspot.com/2018/07/obfuscating-spring-boot-projects-using.html This article is an extension to article named Multi Module Maven Project Using Assembly Plugin . Assembly module is added with obfuscation configuration. Obfuscation is a technique to make byte code harder to reverse engineer to protect source code. In Java word there are not many freeware obfuscation tools. One of the well known obfuscation tools is named proguard. It has a nice maven plugin. But I could not make proguard-base 4.10 work. It gave ClassNotFoundErrors due to worngly obfuscated class names. Another option is yguard from yworks . Yguard has an ant task and works with maven ant-run plugin as well. My experience with yguard is pretty well, it works just fine. Below is the pom file for assembly module with obfuscation configuration. <?...
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