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Showing posts from August, 2017

Facial Landmark Detector

Dlib is a popular library. It can be used for face detection or face recognition. In this article I will use it for facial landmark detection. Facial landmarks are fecial features like nose, eyes, mouth or jaw. Start with installing Dlib library. Dlib requires Lib Boost. sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev Now we can install Dlib. sudo pip install dlib Following example uses PIL and numpy packages. Instead of Pillow it is possible to use skimage package. pip install Pillow pip install numpy Note that in order to detect facial landmarks, a previously trained model file is needed. You can download one from Dlib site. Download model file from this link : After download is completed, extract the archive and make sure its location is correctly referenced in the source file. The application first tries to detect faces in the given image. After that for each face it tries to detect landmarks. For

Prepare a Ubuntu System for Deep Learning

An Ubuntu Deep Learning System A.                     Install latest Nvidia drivers 1-       Run following  commands  to add latest drivers from PPA. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa sudo apt update 2-       Then use Ubuntu  Software &Updates  Additional Drivers application to update your driver. For my GTX-1070 I chose driver with version 384.69. 3-       After installation Restart your PC. You may need to disable safe boot using bios menu. 4-       Run following command to ensure that drivers are installed correctly. lsmod | grep nvidia 5-       İf you have issue with the new driver remove it with following command. sudo apt-get purge nvidia* For more information see: B.                      Install  Cuda  Toolkit 1-       Download  Cuda  Toolkit from following url: h